When most people think of rebounding, they think of the many benefits that come with it. Increased heart rate, improved circulation, and a more robust immune system are just a few positives of jumping on a trampoline.
What many people don’t know is that there can be some adverse side effects to rebounding as well.
In this blog post, we will discuss the dangers of rebounding and how to avoid them.
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Negative Side Effects of Rebounding
Without any further ado, let’s talk about the negative side effects associated with trampoline jumping:
1. Is Rebounding Bad for Your Back?
Rebounding can put a lot of strain on your back muscles and soft tissues, leading to pain and even injury. Because rebounding involves vigorous jumping movements, there’s an increased risk of damage to the joints throughout the body, including those in the spine.
That doesn’t mean you have to avoid rebounding altogether.
You just have to learn how to protect your back from potential harm.
This may mean:
- Working closely with an expert instructor or personal trainer as you get started
- Investing in quality equipment like a high-quality rebounder
- Stretching properly before and after each workout.
With these precautions in place, you can enjoy the many benefits of rebounding while keeping your back safe and healthy!
2. Is Rebounding Bad for Your Organs?

Some people worry that rebounding is hard on their organs, but there’s no evidence to support this claim. Rebound exercise may actually improve your organ health.
Here’s how:
Rebounding is a great way to boost your heart rate and lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is responsible for clearing toxins from your body, and rebounding can help it to work more efficiently. That way, rebounding assists other organs involved in your immune system (e.g., thyroid, pancreas, or liver).
On the other hand, rebounding can worsen chronic pain.
If you already have organ problems, such as enlarged spleen or gallbladder stones, jumping on the trampoline isn’t recommended.
3. Is Rebounding Bad for Ankles?
Ankle injuries are among the most common rebounding accidents because the ankle joint is compressed during landing.
Although the rebounder’s surface is soft, you may get injured when you’re:
- Working out too much or too hard for your current level
- Not wearing the right shoes
- Not keeping a proper form
The best way to avoid an ankle injury is to wear proper footwear and land softly. If you experience an ankle injury, it’s essential to seek medical attention right away.
4. Is Rebounding Bad for Knees?
Just like with ankles, knee injuries are also common among people who rebound. The knees are put under a lot of stress when jumping and landing, leading to pain and even injury.
There are a few things you can do to avoid knee injuries while rebounding, such as:
- Wearing the proper footwear
- Bending your knees while landing instead of locking them
- Avoiding high jumps
- Stretching before and after your workout
- Purchasing a quality rebounder that doesn’t stretch with use
5. Is Rebounding Bad for Scoliosis?
If you have scoliosis, rebounding may not be the best exercise. The twisting and turning motions in your rebounding workout can worsen scoliosis.
Rebounding can also put extra stress on the spine, leading to pain and discomfort. If you decide to rebound with scoliosis, it is essential to work with an expert instructor who can help you maintain proper form and avoid any potential injuries.
6. Is Rebounding Bad for the Pelvic Floor?

Pelvic floor problems are more common in women, but they can also affect men. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles and ligaments that support the bladder, uterus, and rectum. These muscles can be weakened by pregnancy, childbirth, surgery, or age.
Rebounding can strain your pelvic floor muscles, leading to pain and even incontinence.
To avoid these issues, speak with your doctor before starting a rebound exercise program.
You could still do rebounding if:
- Your pelvic floor issues aren’t advanced
- You keep a low impact (e.g., avoid high, vigorous jumps)
- You reduce your workout duration
Pro tip: Try to land on one foot instead of both to reduce further damage to your pelvic floor muscles.
7. Is Rebounding Bad for Degenerative Disc Disease?
Degenerative disc disease is a condition that causes the discs in your spine to break down. The symptoms include pain, numbness, and weakness in the legs and arms.
Rebounding can put extra stress on the discs in your spine, worsening degenerative disc disease.
Warning: If you have degenerative disc disease, avoid using a trampoline.
When your intervertebral discs are damaged, they can’t absorb the shocks from jumping or rebounding. That leads to serious spine injury or even paralysis.
8. Is Rebounding Bad for Varicose Veins?
Varicose veins are swollen, twisted veins that can be painful. They’re often caused by sitting or standing for long periods, pregnancy, obesity, and age.
Rebounding puts additional pressure on the veins in your legs. Needless to say, that pressure worsens varicose veins.
Here’s how to avoid that:
- Wear compression stockings
- Avoid high-impact rebounding
- Elevate your legs when you’re not rebounding
9. Is Rebounding Bad for Hypertension?
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a condition that can lead to heart disease and stroke. It’s often caused by obesity, stress, smoking, and age.
Warning: Rebounding can raise your blood pressure and heart rate, which can be dangerous for people with hypertension.
There’s a catch:
- Rebounding can prevent hypertension if you don’t have it already because it strengthens your heart and improves blood circulation.
- Low-impact rebounding that doesn’t leave you huffing and puffing can improve your current hypertension. However, it’s crucial to check with your doctor and see how much effort your heart can withstand before beginning a rebounding routine.
10. Is Rebounding Bad for Back Muscle Imbalances?
Back muscle imbalances happen when some muscles in your back are stronger than others. This can lead to pain and discomfort. If you have back muscle imbalances, rebounding can exacerbate the problem.
Warning: If you have back muscle imbalances, avoid jumping and sudden impacts.
11. Is Rebounding Bad for Joints?

Joints are the places where two bones meet. They allow us to move our bodies and bear weight. Over time, joints can become damaged from wear and tear, injury, or age.
Rebounding strains and twists your joints. If you’re not careful, this impact can worsen joint pain and other problems.
Pro tip: If you have joint issues, avoid using a trampoline.
What if you don’t have any chronic joint issues?
In this case, rebounding can increase your joint health because it strengthens the muscles and tendons around your joints. That way, you can prevent joint problems in the future.
12. Is Rebounding Bad for Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a condition that causes the bones to become weak and brittle. It’s often caused by age, family history, diet, and lack of exercise.
Rebounding can put extra stress on the bones, worsening advanced osteoporosis-induced pain.
Here are some things you can do to reduce the risk of worsening your osteoporosis:
- Wear supportive shoes
- Avoid high-impact rebounding
- Do low-impact exercises that don’t put stress on the bones
Conversely, rebounding is a weight-bearing exercise that strengthens your bones and reduces density loss. So, rebounding can help prevent osteoporosis if you don’t have it or are in the early stages.
13. Is Rebounding Bad for Pregnancy?
Pregnancy is a time when many changes happen in a woman’s body. These changes can lead to back pain, joint pain, and varicose veins.
Pregnancy can also increase your blood pressure and weaken your joints. You may also have a low-lying placenta or other health risks.
Always consult with your OB-GYN before setting foot on the trampoline.
If you’re otherwise healthy and used to high-impact exercise, your doctor may allow you to continue – or start – your rebounding routine.
14. Is Rebounding Bad For Your Bladder?
If you have a weak bladder, rebounding can put extra stress on your pelvic floor muscles and cause incontinence.
Try these solutions to reduce the risk of worsening your incontinence:
- Do Kegel exercises regularly to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles
- Avoid high-impact rebounding
- Wear a supportive exercise belt
- Incorporate low-impact exercises that don’t put stress on the bladder in your routine
If you have a strong pelvic floor, rebounding may help to reduce incontinence.
15. Is Rebounding Bad for Prolapse?
Prolapse entails organs in your pelvis slipping down from their original position. This can happen when the muscles and ligaments supporting them are weak.
As rebounding strains pelvic floor muscles, your prolapse can become worse. So, don’t try bouncing if you have this condition.
16. Is Rebounding Bad for Nerve Damages?
Rebounding can negatively affect your nerve damage. Your nerves need time to heal and repair themselves. Rebounding can put extra stress on the nerves and delay healing.
If you have nerve damage, avoid using a trampoline. Instead, try low-impact exercises such as walking. Even some forms of stretching can worsen nerve damage, so talk to your doctor before trying anything.
17. Is Rebounding Bad for Brain Injuries?
Brain injuries can be caused by a blow to the head or a sudden jolt to the head. They can lead to problems with thinking, memory, and mood.
Rebounding can aggravate brain injuries, so don’t try it in this case.
Otherwise, if you have a healthy, injury-free brain, rebounding can benefit it. Studies show that jumping on the trampoline can improve your mood, coordination, and gross motor skills.
18. Is Rebounding Bad for Someone with Neck Issues?

Rebounding can exacerbate your symptoms if you have neck pain or other neck problems. Remember that your neck needs time to heal and repair itself. Rebounding can delay that healing.
Risks include additional injuries, increased pain, and even paralysis.
So, wait until you’re feeling better or discuss some alternative strategies with your physical therapist before starting a routine.
19. Is Rebounding Bad for Dizziness?
Dizziness can be caused by various things, including inner ear problems, low blood sugar, and dehydration.
Rebounding can intensify your dizziness because it can cause the inner ear to become more sensitive to movement. If you’re feeling dizzy, avoid using a trampoline.
However, you can try some low-impact exercises on the mini-trampoline. Even if you cut the jumps, working out on this unstable surface will make your muscles work harder. For example, you could try:
- Squats
- Lunges
- Walking
- Slow high knees
- Push-ups
20. Is Rebounding Bad for Lymphedema?
Lymphedema involves a build-up of lymph fluid in the tissues when your lymph vessels are damaged or blocked.
Rebounding can improve lymph circulation, though.
The quick changes in gravity open and close the lymph vessels, which helps the lymph fluid move through them. If you want to reap these benefits of rebounding, keep your workout intensity to about 50-60% of the maximum effort you’re capable of.
Final Thoughts
While rebounding has some great benefits, there are also some potentially harmful side effects.
If you have a health condition, talk to your doctor before starting a rebounding routine. And be sure to listen to your body – if something doesn’t feel right, stop jumping and consult with a medical professional.
Otherwise, as long as you take precautions and don’t overdo it, rebounding can be a great way to get fit and have fun!
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