Fitnessdy is a blog that gets to the point. It’s about fitness, not fluff.

The engine behind this website is a team of Personal Trainers led by Mary D. Brown (pictured right). If the recent events have taught us anything, is that you never need an excuse for not living and enjoying the present. We know life gets in the way, we rarely find time to look after the things we really love and our local gyms are sometimes closed. But at the end of the day, remember that living healthy is YOUR choice. Everything you really need is right there – whether it’s the home equipment or the much-needed motivation.
But if you’re like us – constantly trying new things in order to find what works best for you – then this website will be your go-to resource!
Fitnessdy has information on everything related to home fitness equipment and workouts. The goal is to give you the tools you need to improve your health and well-being in a way that works best for you and your body.
The main reason Fitnessdy was started was to help others get fit without breaking the bank. Many people think you have to spend thousands of dollars on fitness equipment, workout clothes, and personal trainers to be healthy. That’s just not true. With a little research and dedication to your goal, you can have a great workout in the privacy of your own home.
We hope this blog helps you – whether it’s because you found some good exercise equipment reviews or our explanations about dieting convinced you to go for a healthy meal. Our aim is to provide information related to home fitness and exercise that is easy to understand and accessible to everyone. We believe that fitness should be fun and that you don’t need a lot of expensive equipment or fancy clothes to get in shape. We also believe that being healthy doesn’t have to be expensive – in fact, you can probably find most of what you need right in your own home.
We always love hearing from readers, so we appreciate anyone taking the time to get in touch with us – whether you want to say hello, have some suggestions, or, even better, some constructive criticism.
Thanks for visiting and see you around!