Rebounding is extremely fun and has benefits galore. Jumping like a worry-free kid makes your workout not feel like a punishment. So, if you lack motivation, get yourself a trampoline YESTERDAY.
But how many calories does rebounding burn?
Read along as we analyze several studies discussing this matter. We’ll also compare fitness jumping to running and tell you how much fat reduction you can expect from rebounding.
We bet that last part made you curious, so keep reading!
Table of Contents
How Many Calories Do You Burn Jumping on the Trampoline?
Jumping on the trampoline is an aerobic exercise that burns many calories – experts agree on that. However, different studies point to different results.
Let’s analyze these below.
Firstly, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) says that the best workouts for weight loss create a 200-300 caloric deficit.
So, if you want to lose weight at a convenient pace, you need to burn 6.7-10 calories/ minute.
According to a study conducted by a team of doctors at the University of Wisconsin and led by Dr John Porcari, jumping on the trampoline burns:
- 12.4 calories/minute for men
- 9.4 calories/minute for women
If you also factor in the less intense periods of warm-up and cool-down, these figures reach:
- 11.0 calories/minute for men
- 8.3 calories/minute for women
The first thing you observe is that all these figures respect the ACSM guidelines for energy expenditure.
Other studies show similar figures:
- 9.45 calories/minute: Research conducted by MacGlone and others through respiratory gas analysis, which is one of the most accurate ways of testing calories burnt
- 6.9 calories/minute: A study conducted on 18 women by the Working Group of Gender Cardiovascular Disease was designed in 2017 to determine how many calories overweight women burn depending on exercise intensity.
Remember: Not all participants across studies exercised at the same intensity level, which explains the variation in calories.
The harder you push, the more weight you’re going to lose.
How Many Calories Do You Burn Jumping On A Trampoline For 5 Minutes?

From the data above, rebounding for 5 minutes burns 34.5-62 calories.
Jumping on a trampoline for 5 minutes probably means you’re going to exercise at the highest intensity. You’re going to give it your best shot because you’re rested, and time is limited.
That means you’ll probably be at the highest end of this spectrum.
How Many Calories Do You Burn In 10 Minutes Of Rebounding?
Ten minutes of rebounding burns 69-124 calories.
That’s a considerable interval. However, given that the time is still limited, you probably won’t include more than 1-2 minutes for your warm-up and cool-down.
That thinking means you’re probably going to burn somewhere in the upper half of this interval, so between 95 and 124 calories.
How Many Calories Does 20 Minutes Rebounding Burn?
Twenty minutes of trampoline jumping equals 138-248 calories burnt.
Now you have more time for a warm-up and cool-down. That means you can expect to burn 166-220 calories, according to John Porcari’s study we cited above.
How Many Calories Does Jumping On A Trampoline For 30 Minutes Burn?
Thirty minutes of jumping on the fitness trampoline create a calorie deficit of 207-372 calories.
Remember that the difference between a 207 and 372 calorie expenditure depends on factors like your biological sex and workout intensity.
Also, a 30-minute trampoline workout is challenging enough so:
- You’ll spend more time warming up
- You may take longer breaks during the routine
How to Burn More Calories with Rebounding

Evidently, you want to maximize your results when you’re working out. Here’s how to make your fitness trampoline routines more efficient:
- Wear a weighted vest. This strategy challenges your muscles more. The more complex these babies work, the more calories your body will burn to fuel your muscles.
- Do HIIT. HIIT routines are shown to increase calorie expenditure during and even after your workouts compared to steady-state cardio routines. The reason is that your body doesn’t have enough time to get used to specific movements. When doing routine actions, your body spends less energy.
- Do total-body exercises. Use your arms, not just your legs, to maximise caloric burn. Besides, a total-body workout today gives you a rest day tomorrow.
- Squeeze. Be mindful of your body throughout your workout. Zoning out means working less hard. Instead, you should focus on your movements and squeeze your muscles constantly to have them work harder.
Rebounding Vs Running Calories Burned

Studies show that running burns:
- 105 calories/mile for men
- 43-91 calories/mile for women
Participants in this study completed one mile in nine minutes. That means in 30 minutes they burnt:
- 305 calories: men
- 143.33-303.33 calories: women
Compare that figure to the 372 calories you can burn within the same time frame if you’re rebounding.
At the same time, note that exercise intensity matters too. If you’re not challenging yourself to the max, rebounding can burn just 204 calories/30 minutes.
That’s the case of the study conducted on 18 overweight women.
Read carefully, though.
The average heart rate was 132 bpm, and these women underwent 45-minute sessions. That means their exercise intensity was below moderate.
There’s more data to consider:
Dr. Morton Walker cites Paul E. DeVore, M.D. in his Jumping for Health book. Dr. Paul DeVore demonstrated in 1979 that trampoline jumping burns:
- 3x more calories than running
- 5x more calories than swimming
- 11x more calories than walking
Also, a study published in the International Journal of Sports Science researched the impact of trampoline jumping vs running on body fat percentage.
Note: The participants exercised at different heart rates:
- The runners’ group: 60% of the maximum heart rate
- The rebounders’ group: 75% of the maximum heart rate
The experiment’s results show that the two groups’ body fat percentages decreased by:
- 20.3%: The runners’ group
- 31.6%: The rebounders’ group
So, it depends on how hard you’re exercising. If you’re running like a snail but jump on the trampoline like you’re Mike Mangini’s drumstick, you will burn more calories fitness jumping.
Here’s a key secret, though:
Chances are you’ll work harder on the trampoline than when you’re running.
Dr Porcari notes in the study we cited above that the participants’ objective exertion rates were 13, but they only reported an 11.7.
13 means intense, and 11.7 means low to moderate, to give you a better idea.
Therefore, fitness jumping feels less strenuous and more fun. By comparison, running almost always leaves you breathless and exhausted.
So, if you’re going to work harder during your rebounding workout, you’ll probably burn more calories than if you’d go for a jog.
In Conclusion
Rebounding burns calories galore and drastically decreases your body fat percentage, and it’s fun. However, running burns a significant amount of calories too.
So, when you decide between getting a mini-trampoline or a treadmill, consider what type of exercise you enjoy most.
It’s also essential to choose fitness equipment that helps you reach your exercise goals.
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